


吸入烟雾伤害 在你的狗 can occur with exposure to smoke in large or small quantities.暴露于大量或少量烟雾中可能会发生。 Fires produce a variety of damaging substances, each of which can affect a pet's airways, lungs, and overall well-being.火灾会产生多种破坏性物质,每种物质都会影响宠物的呼吸道,肺部和整体健康。


  • 一氧化碳。Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that is produced in fires.一氧化碳是在燃烧中产生的无色,无味的气体。 When carbon monoxide is inhaled and enters the bloodstream, it interferes with the body's ability to deliver oxygen to organs and tissues.一氧化碳被吸入并进入血液时,会干扰人体将氧气输送到器官和组织的能力。
  • 氰化氢。 This substance is released when plastic and other synthetic materials burn.塑料和其他合成材料燃烧时会释放该物质。 Like carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide interferes with the body's usage of oxygen.像一氧化碳一样,氰化氢会干扰人体对氧气的使用。
  • 化学刺激物。 Smoke contains a number of chemical irritants.烟雾中含有许多化学刺激物。 These irritants can trigger airway inflammation and constriction, as well as other lung damage.这些刺激物可引发气道炎症和收缩以及其他肺部损伤。 The irritants found in smoke may vary, depending on the substances that are being burned.烟雾中发现的刺激物可能会有所不同,具体取决于燃烧的物质。
  • 热损伤。 烟雾中所含的热量会导致呼吸道和肺部灼伤,引发严重的肿胀和炎症。




The heat and irritants contained within smoke can also cause significant damage to the eyes.烟雾中所含的热量和刺激物也会对眼睛造成严重伤害。 Dogs may squint due to pain, the third eyelid may remain up over the eye, and you may also notice inflammation and redness of the eyes (conjunctivitis).狗可能会因疼痛而起眼睛,第三只眼睑可能会停留在眼睛上方,并且您可能还会注意到眼睛发炎和发红(结膜炎)。

Burns may be seen around the face and muzzle.可能会在面部和枪口周围看到烧伤。 These burns may blister, or may appear as reddened, inflamed areas.这些灼伤可能起泡或出现发红的发炎区域。 If the nostrils are burned, you may notice nasal discharge or visible blisters within the nostrils.如果鼻孔被灼伤,您可能会发现鼻孔内有鼻涕或可见水泡。

If the brain is deprived of oxygen due to smoke inhalation, pets may show neurologic signs.如果由于吸入烟气使大脑缺氧,宠物可能会出现神经系统症状。 Neurologic signs are common with carbon monoxide inhalation.吸入一氧化碳会导致神经系统症状。 Signs include weakness, ataxia (impaired coordination, or walking as if drunk), seizures, and/or coma.体征包括虚弱,共济失调(协调能力受损或走路时好像喝醉了),癫痫发作和/或昏迷。 Dogs may drool excessively or vomit.狗可能会流口水或呕吐。 Dogs with carbon monoxide inhalation also tend to develop cherry red discoloration of the gums.吸入一氧化碳的狗也容易使牙龈发红。




A 脉搏血氧仪 is a device that is used to assess your dog's blood oxygenation.是用于评估狗的血液氧合的设备。 This helps to determine how efficiently your dog's lungs are working and how effectively your dog is delivering oxygen to his organs and tissues.这有助于确定狗的肺部工作效率以及狗向其器官和组织输送氧气的效率。 Pulse oximetry may be ineffective however, in cases of carbon monoxide exposure.但是,在一氧化碳暴露的情况下,脉搏血氧饱和度可能无效。

血液检查 abnormalities can help your veterinarian determine the severity of your pet's lung injuries.异常可以帮助您的兽医确定宠物肺部损伤的严重程度。 Bloodwork findings can guide treatment decisions for your pet, while also providing information to better predict your pet's prognosis.血液检查发现可以指导宠物的治疗决策,同时还可以提供信息以更好地预测宠物的预后。

X光片 (X射线)可让您的兽医确定已发生的肺部损伤程度。 In most cases, these changes are visible immediately.在大多数情况下,这些更改立即可见。 In many cases however, these changes will continue to progress over 48-72 hours after the initial injury.但是,在许多情况下,这些变化将在最初受伤后的72-XNUMX小时内继续发生。 Radiographs are often repeated several times during the first XNUMX hours of treatment, providing a way for your veterinarian to monitor your pet's lung damage and adjust treatment as needed.在治疗的前XNUMX个小时中,射线照相通常会重复几次,从而为兽医提供了一种方法来监视宠物的肺部损伤并根据需要调整治疗方法。

An 心电图 (ECG)也可以执行,以评估您的宠物的心律和节律。 Oxygen deprivation can lead to heart damage, which may be detected using the ECG.缺氧可导致心脏损害,可使用ECG进行检测。

The heat associated with smoke inhalation and fires often results in ulceration of the eyes.吸入烟雾和火灾所产生的热量通常会导致眼睛溃疡。 Therefore, your veterinarian may perform a corneal stain or other ophthalmologic tests to assess your dog's eyes and rule out injuries such as corneal ulceration.因此,您的兽医可能会进行角膜染色或其他眼科检查,以评估您的狗的眼睛并排除诸如角膜溃疡的伤害。


The treatment of smoke inhalation depends upon the severity of your dog's signs.吸入烟雾的治疗取决于狗的体征严重程度。 In most cases, the injuries seen with smoke inhalation progress over 48-72 hours;在大多数情况下,吸入烟雾会持续72-XNUMX小时以上; therefore, you can expect that your dog will probably be hospitalized and monitored for at least XNUMX hours.因此,您可以期望您的狗可能会住院至少XNUMX小时并接受监测。


In the early stages, most cases of smoke inhalation are treated with oxygen therapy.在早期阶段,大多数烟雾吸入病例都是通过氧气疗法治疗的。 Oxygen clears carbon monoxide from the bloodstream, improving oxygen delivery to the body's tissues.氧气清除血液中的一氧化碳,从而改善氧气向人体组织的输送。 Your dog may be placed in an oxygen cage, where concentrated oxygen can be delivered in a way that is non-stressful.您的狗可能被放在氧气笼中,可以以无压力的方式输送浓氧气。 If your veterinarian does not have an oxygen cage, they may administer oxygen via facemask or 'flow-by' oxygen (holding an oxygen tube near your dog's face).如果您的兽医没有氧气笼,他们可以通过口罩或“流通”氧气(将氧气管靠近您的狗的脸)施用氧气。 If your dog has extreme upper airway swelling that prevents breathing, your veterinarian may need to place a tracheotomy tube (breathing tube inserted through the trachea) to administer oxygen.如果您的狗的上呼吸道极度肿胀而无法呼吸,那么您的兽医可能需要放置一个气管切开管(通过气管插入的呼吸管)来给氧气。

Your veterinarian will also likely place an intravenous (IV) catheter in your dog.您的兽医也可能会在您的狗中放置一个静脉(IV)导管。 This catheter allows IV fluids to be administered in order to keep the lungs moist and decrease the risk of complications.该导管允许静脉输液,以保持肺部湿润并降低发生并发症的风险。 Additionally, your dog may be unwilling or unable to drink water for the first few days after smoke inhalation, so IV fluids can be used to prevent dehydration.此外,您的狗在吸入烟雾后的头几天可能不愿或不能喝水,因此可以使用静脉输液防止脱水。

Smoke inhalation often results in painful burns, so your veterinarian will also administer pain medication to your dog.吸入烟雾通常会导致灼伤,因此您的兽医还将对狗使用止痛药。 Affected dogs are typically given injectable pain medications to keep them comfortable.通常给患病的狗注射可注射的止痛药,以使它们保持舒适。 Oral anesthetic rinses may also be used, if burns within the mouth are present.如果口腔内有灼伤,也可以使用口服麻醉剂冲洗。


Your dog may also receive bronchodilators to help keep his airways open, if needed.如果需要,您的狗也可能会接受支气管扩张剂以帮助保持呼吸道通畅。 In some cases, antibiotics may be required to treat secondary infections that can occur following lung damage.在某些情况下,可能需要抗生素治疗继发于肺部损伤的继发感染。

In some cases, dogs may require additional supportive care, such as nebulization and coupage.在某些情况下,狗可能需要额外的支持护理,例如雾化和结扎。 These techniques can be used to deliver medication directly to the lungs and to remove lung secretions.这些技术可用于将药物直接输送到肺部并清除肺部分泌物。


Most dogs with smoke inhalation have a good prognosis.大多数吸入烟雾的狗预后良好。 Estimated survival rates for animals without skin burns are approximately 90%, according to multiple studies.根据多项研究,没有皮肤灼伤的动物的估计存活率约为XNUMX%。

Dogs that present with neurologic signs, extensive skin burns, or whose condition deteriorates on the second day of hospitalization typically experience worse outcomes.出现神经系统症状,广泛的皮肤灼伤或住院第二天病情恶化的狗通常会出现较差的结果。 The prognosis is guarded for these patients.这些患者的预后受到保护。